“Innovative, self-contained system with sophisticated emissions reporting helps pipeline operators...” TheLINK Q4, 22 January, 2022, p. 28.

Pipeline operators are increasingly taking a “big picture” view of their sustainability efforts. These companies recognize that it is important to minimize their environmental footprint during natural gas pipeline operations. The need for nimble, self-contained pipeline evacuation solutions and sophisticated methane emissions reporting is motivated by regulation and corporate responsibility.
The GoVAC™ FLEX System (“GoVAC”) by Onboard Dynamics meets the demand for minimizing methane releases into the atmosphere as the pressure of regulation and environmental stewardship grows. It is a self-contained system fueled by natural gas designed to transfer natural gas to either an adjacent pipeline or to a tube trailer.
The amount of natural gas captured and recovered resulting in methane emission reductions can vary per project, but operators can get an idea of the GoVAC’s capabilities as seen in the following example:

Project Summary:
Over a mile and a half of 12” pipe evacuated. The system ran for 20 hours and never needed refueling.

Customer Benefits:

No external power needed – The GoVAC uses a small portion of the natural gas from the pipeline for power, thus eliminating additional outside fuel sources such as diesel or electricity.
Emissions reporting – Each system comes with a sophisticated telemetry backend that automatically captures data from the gauges and sensors. It is fully automated through a PLC controller and communicates to a user interface that manages all aspects of the system. All data is stored in the cloud and is designed to provide environmental and operational reports.
Portability/mobility – The GoVAC is easy to maneuver on job sites. It is small enough to be pulled by a half-ton truck that is common in many fleets.
Flexible applications – The system captures the natural gas from a pipeline and can either transfer it into an adjoining pipeline or compress the gas up to 3,600 psig to put into a tube trailer or storage tank. The system can also be used for natural gas vehicle refueling.
Remote monitoring –The system health is always being monitored which minimizes downtime by detecting issues and providing insight for preventative maintenance.
Safety – Eliminates emissions and hazards of venting and flaring of natural gas pipelines.
Regulatory compliance – NFPA, EPA, SCAQMD.
Environmental Impact Benefits:
The GoVAC Flex is a revolutionary tool for minimizing methane releases during pipeline blowdowns.
Significantly lower carbon footprint
The GoVAC runs on a small portion of the natural gas it evacuates from the pipeline. It doesn’t rely on an outside fuel source, such as diesel or electricity. This gives the system a much cleaner total carbon footprint than any other solution available on the market.
Less interruption in populated areas
Noise levels are less than < 85 dBA at 10 feet, which is equivalent to normal street traffic.
“I like that the unit [“GoVAC FLEX”] is powered by the gas coming out of the pipeline, so we don’t have to bring other equipment out to the job site.”
Onboard dynamics customer
For more information about the GoVAC FLEX Pipeline Evacuation System, please visit https://onboarddynamics.com, or contact us at: 541-550-3632