Heather Smercina, Director of Business Development for Onboard Dynamics, will be sharing the latest solutions to capture and recover methane while providing accurate environmental reporting in a time when growing regulatory pressure will be adding fees on methane emissions and tracking mitigation activities of natural gas utilities.

The presentation titled “How to Remove Barriers and Reporting Challenges During Pipeline Evacuation in the Field” will be at 8:50 am CST on Oct. 12th at the American Public Gas Association Fall Operations Conference in Savannah, GA.
In this presentation, Heather will present solutions on how to address the challenges for pipeline operators in keeping our natural gas pipeline infrastructure well maintained while mitigating methane emissions. This presentation will show how field pipeline operators can efficiently evacuate natural gas from pipelines with a much lower carbon footprint that helps to reduce the environmental impact and makes the process safe, efficient, and more reliable. She will also share new advanced methods for accurately monitoring and reporting on the captured and recovered methane that will help companies stay in compliance with future, aggressive regulations.
The 2022 APGA Operations Conference features speakers and panels of experts on topics such as pipeline safety regulations, PHMSA’s Natural Gas Distribution Infrastructure Safety and Modernization Grant Program, methane emission mitigation strategies, case studies from community-owned utilities, and will also include an exhibitor hall of the latest in products and services for natural gas distribution operations.