Onboard Dynamics LLC secures important funding to bring the GoVAC® MAX pipeline evacuation system to Alberta.

Thanks to the support of the Government of Alberta and funding by Emissions Reduction Alberta, our methane emission reduction technology will soon be available in Alberta. The GoVAC® MAX system will enable Albertan pipeline operators to capture and recover natural gas from pipelines that otherwise would be vented or flared. This system will also incorporate new advanced methods for accurately measuring and reporting on the captured and recovered natural gas.
Why Did We Develop the GoVAC® MAX Pipeline Evacuation System?

When natural gas pipeline operators perform maintenance operations, upgrade pipelines, remove pipelines from service, or conduct pigging operations, the segment of pipeline being worked on must be evacuated of the natural gas prior to commencing work. Practices to remove this natural gas is to vent it, releasing methane into the atmosphere. Another common practice is flaring the natural gas, thereby releasing carbon dioxide instead of methane.
The GoVAC® MAX system is a self-contained natural gas capture and recovery system and serves as an alternative to venting and flaring. The system is built on our patented compression technology, so it runs on the natural gas in the pipeline. This reduces the emission profile to a minimum and removes the need for additional equipment and resources during natural gas capture and recovery projects. The system touts a small footprint making it easy to fit into challenging locations and is nimble enough to be pulled by a standard pickup making it highly maneuverable around a job site.
Onboard Dynamics, LLC supports the natural gas ecosystem in reducing global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions safely and reliably through innovative and practical commercial solutions.