The Pipeline Pigging and Integrity Management (PPIM) Conference will be held in Houston, TX from February 6th – 10th, 2023.
Onboard Dynamics has been chosen as one of the companies to provide a white paper and presentation at the 2023 PPIM conference. The white paper, titled “Innovative Pipeline Evacuation Technology for Reducing Methane Releases to the Environment During Pipeline Maintenance and Pigging Operations”, will be presented at 2:30 pm on Wednesday, February 8th, 2023, at the Hilton Americas in Houston.

Jeff Witwer, PhD, PE, will be giving the presentation overview of the paper. He is a technical advisor as well as one of the co-founders of Onboard Dynamics. The presentation, as well as the white paper, will provide an overview of technologies and operating practices that can be implemented to reduce methane releases during pigging operations. It will share technological features that are most important in determining project success including natural gas capture time, system set up time, the need for additional equipment and fuel supply, and consideration of equipment physical size. It will go over how these factors all impact the time and cost to capture natural gas. Also discussed is the importance of collecting and securing data to meet regulatory and auditing requirements.
Onboard Dynamics Exhibiting at the PPIM
In addition, Onboard Dynamics will have exhibit booth #546 located at George R. Brown Convention Center next to the Hilton. At the booth, visitors can learn about the GoVAC® FLEX system. It is a revolutionary tool for minimizing methane releases during pipeline blowdowns and is powered by a small portion of the gas being recovered, so no external power is required. It is compact to easily facilitate transport and positioning at job sites; Remote monitoring ensures reliable operation and responsive service. State-of-the-art telemetry provides accurate and detailed environmental reporting.
About the PPIM conference
In parallel with the demands for greater pipeline safety, reliability, and efficiency – and the explosive growth in the market for technologies to help meet those demands – PPIM has evolved to become the industry’s primary forum for reporting new developments and field experience, and for showcasing the relevant tools and systems for pipeline inspection, assessment, and repair, as well as regulatory compliance and Integrity Management Programs. It is the place where the needs of pipeline operators and the capabilities of service and equipment suppliers intersect.